A violent lemon

One of the things that most impressed me about my father was his incredible integrity. We never had more than what was absolutely necessary for survival. So, when I had a chance to sell a car that I bought while in college … a bit of a lemon … my Dad and I took it to meet the prospective buyers. They were an older couple planning to drive it to Florida. It was a good looking car … a Pontiac Tempest with a police intercepter engine (other stories to follow). This very lovely couple fell in love with it on sight. After talking with them for a while and recognizing their plan, when the gentleman reached for his wallet, my father said that he was sorry but he could not comfortably sell the car to them. I was always proud of him but this was particularly memorable even fifty years later. I can honestly say that neither of my parents ever embarrassed me. Sadly, I doubt they could say the same of me.