Everyone, regardless of whether raised in affluence or poverty, holds memories that are priceless. None of the Dodge Family had much financially but every one had personality … it was requisite for survival in such a huge family … without it we would have been sucked down the vortex of anonimity. Uncle Bill was second oldest of the original nine and he and Aunt Alice had ten children. “Poor” wouldn’t begin to describe their lives but “rich” would most certainly describe their spirit. All Dodges were instilled with the belief that when anyone came to the door that, immediately after the greeting, food and drink was presented. We all knew to lose our appetites to make certain guests were fed. They all knew how to make a meal out of vapor. I recall having a sleepover with my cousins. Uncle Bill, declaring that dinner would be “slim pickin’s,” took out the flour and oil and created our supper. My older cousins will have to verify whether or not that this particular meal was known by all family as “lickdob.” Whatever it was called, it was made with love and we relished it. Half of those cousins have joined the ancestors but all would agree that being poor made us all very rich, indeed!